Saturday, February 7, 2009

I'm Officially Lost, but I Can See the Blu-ray Future

So, I'm a huge fan of the TV show Lost. If you are too, the images to the right should conjure up some nostalgic memories of episodes past.

The plot is so complex that I've often tried to make sense out of the underlying story, as experienced by the characters. But since this is season 5 and season 6 will be the end of the series, a lot of stuff needs to be wrapped up so that we can finally make sense of the island and its connection with the survivors, and ultimately have some closure. And new unanswered questions keep coming this season.

So, when season 6 ends, what will the forthcoming 6-season Blu-ray disc box set contain to help obsessed fans deconstruct the entire story?

I believe the producers will give us a special treat. They will somehow unravel (or let us unravel) the narrative structure (the key moments from the character's lives presented in a chronology of events) so that we can see all of the events of the story in the order we please.

For example, if we got to mash up all of the thousands of scenes, like taking the scene in Season 5, Episode 3, where we see a young Charles Widmore, and making that Scene 1, Episode 1. And so on... Now, chronologically speaking, I'm not sure that Widmore scene actually represents the earliest scene, but you get my point.

True, by the time season 6 wraps, we'll have all of the answers about the time travel, character connections, discovery and the future of the island, and the island's secrets. So, why would we bother?

Well, because it's fun to deconstruct stuff and make sense out of things. It's just a theory of mine that I think they'll give us something like that to play with. Heck, if they don't, maybe somebody would create one. Although I'm not sure it could ever be shared publicly if it uses actual clips from the show.

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