Sunday, March 1, 2009

Witty Caption Contest #1

This is the first of many Caption Contests I'll be having on this blog. Think you can come up with the wittiest caption for the image below? Submit your caption by leaving a comment!


  1. the lady asks "Are you the Russian Joe Camel? Cause im lookin for a extra wide menthal..."

  2. Guys'll do anything to hide their potbelly. New Potbelly Sandwich™ restaurant coming to Moscow. Get yer own.

  3. "Have you theen my batheball?"

  4. Yes, Mrs. Rogers-Vladovsky, the official ground-breaking was a success. See, the trolley will enter the Land of Make Believe right over there, next to Snuffleupagus' Cave of Shadows ride. Sesame Street World - Russia should be complete by June. Nostrovia!

  5. hey know what they say about guys with big feet and big hands...

  6. You tourists are all the same. You want to see Stalin and Lenin, but let me tell you something. Over there is true landmark of Russia: Rajivny's Restaurant. They have finest borscht soup in all of Russia!

  7. Celebrating the 23rd anniversary, children of Chernobyl help those born outside of the Exclusion Zone find their way to the Visitor's Center to see first-hand the marvel of Soviet science.
